F1 in Schools!

Let us introduce ourselves as Achaia Racing Team, a group of students from Arsakeio School of Patras that take part in F1 in schools competition in Greece. F1 in Schools is an international STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) competition for school children (aged 11–19), in which groups of 4 students have to design and manufacture a miniature car. This is the sixth year in a row that we take part in the competition. Our team was created in 2012 and grew with the years. Our team has won lots of awards in the national finals.

Participation Days:

12/05/2017, 13/05/2017


Arsakeio School of Patras

Savvas Stamatopoulos, Technologist, Teacher

and Students :

Alexandros Vazakas, Andreas Vlastaras, Konstantinos-Aggelos Farmakis, Panagiotis Konstantinos Mastorakis, Antonios Politis, Vasileios Adamopoulos, Georgios Zannis, Alexandros Liaropoulos, Konstantinos Karoumpalos, Evangelos-Antonios Petrakis, Emmanouil Liofagos, Vasileios Falidas, Ioannis Aggelopoulos, Vasileios Porevopoulos, Odusseas Charalampopoulos, Thomas Liofagos.