Geology in action

Have you ever wondered which mineral is hidden in watches and with which mineral we brush our teeth daily? Can a magic geomaterial, which exists in pet sand, contribute to the purification of water from various substances? How has the “innocent” plastic bag degraded our oceans? For all the above, there exists a magical science called Geology which is applied to all aspects of our everyday life. The terrestrial environments as well as the aquatic constitute the field of study of Geosciences which people ought to exploit, always taking into account the sustainability of the planet.

Participation Days:

12/05/2017, 13/05/2017


University of Patras, Department of Geology

Ioannis I. Iliopoulos, Assistant Professor of Metamorphic Processes in Geological and Anthropogenic Systems, Department of Earth Materials, Faculty of Geology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras

Dimitra Antoniou Eleutherios Georgoulas Maria-Afroditi Gkrimpouli Georgia Karountzou Aggeliki Nikitidou Eleanna Pantazi Xenophon Simos Konstantina Somalakidou Zoi Spyropoulou undergraduate students of Geology, University of Patras

Konstantinos-Marios Vaziourakis, BSc Dimitrios Konstantinopoulos, BSc Department of Geology, University of Patras

Nikolaos Georgiou, MSc Alexandra Noti, MSc Department of Geology, University of Patras