Language and contemporary linguistics

We are used to associating Language with the history and civilization of people. However, language can also be approached differently: as a cognitive system with which we come equipped biologically. Contemporary linguistics studies this system and we will demonstrate that: a) it is biologically based, b) is independent of intelligence, and c) is not acquired via general mechanisms of learning only. Contemporary linguistics is preoccupied with more than theoretical issues regarding the nature of language. We will demonstrate how it is called forth in order to discover and classify exceptional phenomena manifested by children’s language or by individuals with language disorders.

Speakers :

Arhonto Terzi , Professor of Linguistics , Department of Speech and Language Therapy , Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, Patras.

Katerina Plakouda , Doctoral Candidate in Linguistics, University of Athens , Teacher in the Experimental Highschool of the University of Patras.