Ambient Assisted Living Technologies

Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (TWG) will present Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) House. The latest technology achievements like KNX infrastructure, home robots, BLE sensors, algorithms and middleware have been included as part of the AAL House technology infrastructure and have been combined with emerging technologies like OpenBCI which allows real time EEG monitoring using Bluetooth technology for signal transmission.

Participation Days:

12/05/2017, 13/05/2017


Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece – Computer & Informatics Engineering Department – Embedded System Design & Application Lab

Dr Nikolaos Voros, Associate Professor, Embedded System Design and Application Lab, Computer & Informatics Engineering Department, TEI of Western Greece Dr Christos Antonopoulos, Senior Researcher, Embedded System Design and Application Lab, Computer & Informatics Engineering Department, TEI of Western Greece Christos Panagiotou, Researcher, Embedded System Design and Application Lab, Computer & Informatics Engineering Department, TEI of Western Greece Alexandros Spournias, Postgraduate student, Embedded System Design and Application Lab, Computer & Informatics Engineering Department, TEI of Western Greece Theodoros Skandamis, Undergraduate student, Embedded System Design and Application Lab, Computer & Informatics Engineering Department, TEI of Western Greece Stathis Drogos, Undergraduate student, Embedded System Design and Application Lab, Computer & Informatics Engineering Department, TEI of Western Greece