Smart Factory

Manufacturing enterprises in Greece and Europe have to face the ever increasing global competition. Industrial Internet of Things technologies can increase the level of smartnerss in the industrial environment leading to Smart Factories, that can support transition from mass production to mass customization production model, which directly involves the customer in the design of the final product. A virtual factory demostration can be used for conveying the Smart Factory idea to the wider public.

Participation Days:

10/05/2017, 11/05/2017, 12/05/2017, 13/05/2017


Industrial Systems Institute / Research Center ATHENA


Athanasios Kalogeras, Principal Researcher, Industrial Systems Institute, Research Centre ATHENA,

Christos Koulamas, Principal Researcher, Industrial Systems Institute, Research Centre ATHENA,

Christos Anagnostopoulos, Electrical and Computer Engineer, Industrial Systems Institute, Research Centre ATHENA