The Speleology as a science

Research focused on caves, helps us travel through time and leads us to the initial point of spileogenesis millions of years ago. We have the oppurtunity to study the genesis, the evolution and the death of a cave. Moreover, we are able to admire the living organisms of that cave and discover how something beautiful and admirable like a stalactite can be created only by a little raindrop. Finally, we process the collected information, who helps us learn about the speleoclima and the conditions under which the cave was first created. How were stalactites, stalagmites and other speleothems created?

Participation Days:

10/05/2017, 11/05/2017,12/05/2017,13/05/2017


Panayiotis Karoutsos Undergraduate Student of Geology, University of Patras, Speleologist member ESE Konstantinos Mpakolitsas Biologist – Speleologist member SELAS Georgios Lazaridis Paleontologist – Speleologist, Laboratory Academic Staff of Geology department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Nikos Giannopoulos Undergraduate Student of Geology, University of Patras Simos Fontas Undergraduate Student of Geology, University of Patras Panos Sigalos Undergraduate Student of Geology, University of Patras Charalampos Papadakos Degree in Geology, University of Patras